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Friday, August 3, 2012

Are You A Tinnitus Sufferer? Use These Tips!


Are You A Tinnitus Sufferer? Use These Tips!

Living with tinnitus can be frustrating and annoying. The unending ringing can compromise your quality of life. But, all is not lost; the article you are about to read will give you advice on how to cope with tinnitus.

If your tinnitus is causing you problems, flip on the television or a fan to add some background noise to your environment. The noise helps mask the tinnitus so that it does not bother you as much. In the situations where the ringing in your ears is all that you are hearing in that moment, it's way too tempting to obsess over it, which just exacerbates it.

Reach out to fellow tinnitus sufferers. Finding an online support group will give you interaction and support from people who also suffer with tinnitus. Millions of men and women of all ages are affected with tinnitus; why not make the most of it and learn from others who have been in your shoes?

Having the radio or television on when you are working could be distracting, but it is proven to be of help to tinnitus sufferers. Having another source of sound can actually drown out your tinnitus symptoms, which can eliminate the distraction it typically would cause.

If you have trouble going to sleep because of your tinnitus, you could always visualize yourself lying in a wheat field. Imagine that the sound you experience is the rustling of wheat waving in the breeze, and picture clouds and birds passing by in the sky. Rise up to the clouds and join the birds. That should give you amazing dreams!

When you do not find relief from tinnitus with other methods, consider using psychotherapy. Psychotherapy can teach you different coping mechanisms that will assist you in dealing with the stress and pain caused by tinnitus. The uses for this type of therapy increase ten-fold if you have a medical history or known issues with emotional control. A lack of sleep can also contribute to the seriousness of the problem.

Try taking a walk. Fresh air helps you relax, as does the physical activity. Pay attention to the way your tinnitus responds to the ambient sounds and the environment you encounter on your walk, too. See if any sounds around you mix with your tinnitus to make you uncomfortable. Create a list of sounds that annoy you, and try your best to stay away from them.

Many people find that tinnitus can be effectively treated with ginko biloba supplements. This isn't scientifically validated by any means, but taking it under a doctor's supervision is harmless, so there's no reason not to try it out.

Go back in time in your mind to when tinnitus first reared its ugly head. Was there a prescription you also started then? Tinnitus can be caused by many drugs; the pain may stop when you cease taking the medicine. Consult with your doctor, and find out about changing medications or eliminating some of them.

The ideas you have just read have proven beneficial to many afflicted by tinnitus. Nobody deserves to lose control of their life to tinnitus. By putting these tips into practice, you should be able to find some relief and begin to enjoy life again!



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